How to activate Redis cache in Wordpress? Print

  • redis, php-redis, wordpress
  • 3

Our web server (cPanel based) setup with redis caching support. As what stated in Redis website, it act as in-memory data structure store, used as database, cache and message broker
In order to take the adavantages of this advanced caching technology in wordpress, you are required to download and install Redis Object Cache developed by Till Kruss.

1. Login to Wordpress
2. Look for plugins > Add New
3. In search box, key in Redis Object Cache in search box and press enter.
4. Look for Redis Object Cache developed by Till Kruss, and click install.
5. Activate the plugin.
6. Go to Setting > Redis and click Enable Object Cache.
7. You will see the Status > Redis is in connected status.

That's it!

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