Shared Hosting Backup Limit Print

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To provide clarity on our backup policies, we want make clear that our free backup service is applicable for websites with storage usage up to 10GB.

Beyond this limit, automatic backups will NOT be performed.


10GB Limit & Your Responsibility

Our free backup is designed to accommodate the majority of shared hosting users with standard storage requirements. The 10GB limit allows us to efficiently manage backups and allocate resources across our user base. This also to reduce the overall server performance impact during the prolonged backup process. As such, if your website's storage usage exceeds 10GB, it is your responsibility to implement a backup strategy.


While we strive to provide the best possible hosting services, it's essential to understand that our free backup service is optimized for typical shared hosting usage. For websites with storage needs exceeding 10GB, taking proactive measures for data backup is crucial to ensuring the security and availability of your content.


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