Email Account Compromised Print

  • email security, email compromised
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In the event that you suspect your account has been compromised, take the following steps:

1) Immediately log in to control panel and change your account login credentials. If you are unable to log in, request a password reset by open support ticket from client portal.

2) Change the passwords for all email accounts using complex combinations, incorporating uppercase and lowercase letters, alphanumeric characters, and special symbols.

3) If your account hosted on cPanel server, perform a thorough scan of your account using the Virus Scanner. Login to cPanel, navigate to Advanced, and select Virus Scanner.

4) If changing your password does not resolve the issue, conduct a comprehensive scan of your local devices using antivirus or anti-malware software. This includes devices such as PCs or mobile phones that utilize mail clients like MS Outlook or Windows Mail. This step is crucial, as infected devices may continue to expose your credentials to attackers. If necessary, consider reformatting your devices for enhanced security.

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